Our Vision

To promote the adoption and use of IPv6 in Malaysia

IPv6 Forum Malaysia’s main role.

To Promote the IPv6 Logo Certification Program

IPv6 Ready Logo Program is a globally accepted set of standards by the Global IPv6 Forum. Ensure that your organization receives the Globally recognized IPv6 Forum Certification by insisting that the organization transitioning your network has been duly certified.

  • Promoting the adoption of Global Standards and Certification created by the Global IPv6 Forum in Luxumbourg;
  • Champion the need for all transition work to be done by Certified Engineers and Organisations with the skill and knowledge to undertake the task in terms of Network, Security and Application;
  • Champion the need for an Audit by a Certified Organisation to certify that the IPv4 -> IPv6 transition work was done according to International Standards developed by the Forum;
  • Championing for all IPv6 engineers to be certified via an education program that is Globally certified. This will ensure Engineers are marketable globally and will improve the demand for local engineers;
    • Local engineers gain immediate entry into a global white list of certified IPv6 Engineers.
    • Ensure IPv6 professionals are equipped with the latest knowledge and know how.