Malaysia–Japan ERAB

Cybersecurity Conference 2024

Nearly all organizations are struggling today with the unprecedented growth of the Internet of Things (IoT). Energy Resource Aggregation Business (ERAB) is a new scenario on the electricity infrastructure that International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is addressing the new international standards as SRD63443 series. Considering the emergence of ERAB, devices and services are made in different countries and regions that make up the global supply chain, there is a need to ensure the trustworthiness of a whole cyber-physical system in a new angle. Therefore, an international discussion is expected to warrant to develop security frameworks and Japan has driven the discussion by showing the Cyber and Physical Security Framework (CPSF) and the example of security implementation shown by “the security triangle of ERAB”.

IPv6 Forum Malaysia hosts the Malaysia–Japan ERAB Cybersecurity Conference 2024, inviting international guests. The conference with the endorsement by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) provides the experts in Malaysia and Japan with mutual understanding about this new movement.

Date                 :   3rd September 2024

Time                :   9.00 am – 5.30 pm

Venue              :   Ballroom 2, Level 2, Hotel Maya, 138 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur


9.00 AM
Arrival & Registration
9.30 AM

Welcome Address by Prof. Emeritus Dr Sureswaran Ramadass


IPv6 Forum Malaysia

9.40 AM

Welcome Address by Masayuki Furukawa
Director, Office for Science, Technology and Innovation and Digital Transformation, Governance and Peacebuilding Department,

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

9.50 AM

Introductory Address by Dr. Masaki Umejima

Convener of the Development Plan

IEC System Committee Smart Energy

10.10 AM

VIP Address by Mr Derek John Fernandez


Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)

10.30 AM
Tea Break, Networking, Press & Photo
11.00 AM

Keynote Speaker #1 by Prof. Emeritus. David Farber

Professor and Co-Director of Cyber Civilization Research Center

Keio University, Japan

11.30 AM

Keynote Speaker #2 by Dr Gopinath Rao Sinniah 

CTO and Co-Founder

Favoriot Sdn Bhd

12.00 PM

Keynote Speaker #3 by Kaneda Yukako

Director of International Affairs, Cybersecurity Division

Commerce and Information Policy Bureau

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan 

12.30 PM

Lunch Break 

1.30 PM

ERAB Cybersecurity – Research Presentation


Chair by       : Assoc. Prof. Dr Selvakumar Manickam, Head of Cybersecurity Research Centre, Nav6, USM


Co-Chair by : Dr Masaki Umejima, Convener of Development Plan, IEC System

                        Committee Smart Energy

                      Dr Masao IsshikiProfessor and Director, ECHONET Lite

                        Interoperability Test Center, Kanagawa Institute of Technology


Presentation by Cybersecurity Researchers, NAv6, USM

1. Mr Ashish Jaisan

2. Dr Shamsul UL Arfeen 

3.30 PM

Tea Break

4.00 PM

Forum Session – ERAB Policy & Cybersecurity Regulation


Moderator: Prof Emeritus Dr Sureswaran Ramadass, Chairman, IPv6 Forum Malaysia


Panel :

  1. Mr Derek Fernandez – Commissioner, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
  2. Mr Fazlan Bin Abdullah – Head of Technology Research and Strategy Cybersecurity, Malaysia.
  3. Dr Masaki Umejima – Convener of Development Plan, IEC System Committee Smart Energy, Japan.
  4. Mr Saravanan Kulanthaivelu – Senior Cyber Forensic Examiner, Standard Chartered Global Business Services Sdn Bhd
  5. Datuk Wira Md Sidek Bin Ahmad – Chairman, NUR Power Sdn Bhd
  6. Dr Hironori Nakata – Director, Smart Appliance & Solution Department, Sharp Corporation and ECHONET Consortium
  7. Hui Whye Leong – Senior General Manager, Product, Channel & Brand Marketing, Sharp Electronics Malaysia Sdn Bhd
5.30 PM

Conference Concludes

Closed-Door Conference (By Invitation Only)

Interested parties are requested to contact us at 604-6119169 or email at