IPv6 Seminar at MUST
7th December 2016, Petaling Jaya, Selangor IPv6 Forum Malaysia in collaboration with Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST) and Malaysian Research and Education Network (MYREN) jointly hosting the IPv6 Seminar 2016 in the MUST Campus in Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. In accordance to Latif Ladid the President of Global IPv6 Forum from Luxemburg describe that the Global IPv6 Forum is very pleased to honour Telekom Malaysia Bhd for its exemplary deployment of IPv6 placing Malaysia among the top IPv6 nations in the world. Malaysia currently on 16th place in world and 2nd top in Asia.This achievement is recognised with the Jim Bound IPv6 Award. Jim was the absolute IPv6 designer and hands-on engineer of IPv6 at the IETF and in the industry. Telecom Malaysia can be very proud of its deployment efforts since IPv6 has achieved with just 21.0% in its network a 95 % of total Malaysia( http://stats.labs.apnic.net/cgi-bin/v6pop?c=my). He further elaborate that Telekom Malaysia has excelled in its deployment efforts in clearly positioning Malaysia among the top IPv6 nations in the world. This is a unique example to many other large operators and ISPs to follow to reap the benefits from IPv6 deployment to keep growing the Internet and nurture many potential innovations and technology inflections such IoT, SmartGrid, Smart Cities, Mobile Internet and sensor networks to name a few. The IPv6 Forum is congratulating Telekom Malaysia and its IPv6 experts for this major achievement that requires skills, forward thinking and vision to empower Malaysia with a powerful Internet.

En Md Sakri Mat Rifin from Telekom Malaysia received the Jim Bound IPv6 World Leader Award on behalf of the Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, Group Chief Executive Officer, Telekom Malaysia Bhd from Professor Dr Sureswaran Ramadass. From Left : Professor Dr. Sureswaran Ramadass, Emeritus Chair, Global IPv6 Forum’s IPv6 Education Certification Program, Professor Dr Sellapan, Provost, Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST), En Md Sakri Mat Rifin, General Manager Network Architecture & Technology Planning, NAT, IT & Network Technology,Telekom Malaysia Bhd and Azura Mat Salim, Manager IP Core, Packet Core & NMS, Network Architecture & Technology Planning, NAT, IT & Network Technology,Telekom Malaysia Berhad At same time MYREN (Malaysia Research and Education Network) also will receive the award from IPv6 Forum Malaysia as the First Organisation in Malaysia that fully deployed IPv6 in their core network. MYREN is the research network that connects all the universities, community colleges and polytechnics in Malaysia. According to Professor Dr Sureswaraan Ramadass, Emeritus Chair of Global IPv6 Forum’s IPv6 Education Certification Logo Program and Chairman of IPv6 Forum Malaysia describe that this award specially presented to MYREN for their leadership to be the First Organisation in Malaysia that fully deployed IPv6 in their network.

En Kamal Hashim from MYREN received the First Organisation in Malaysia to fully rollout IPv6 award from Professor Dr Sureswaran Ramadass. From Left : Professor Dr. Sureswaran Ramadass, Emeritus Chair, Global IPv6 Forum’s IPv6 Education Certification Program, Professor Dr Sellapan, Provost, Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST), En Kamal Hisham Kamaruddin, Head of MYREN Department, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). During the seminar Assistant Professor Masaki Umejima, the advisor to Japanesse Government from Keio University Japan delivers the keynote address during this seminar. He is also the Councillor of International Affair for ECHONET Consortium Japan. This seminar was officially opened by Yang Berbahagia Professor Dr Sellapan , Provost of Malaysia University Science and Technology. According to Professor Dr Sellapan, MUST is delighted to host this event because the university is always in forefront in promoting latest cutting edge technology in line with the original vision of establishing this university. MUST was established in 1995 with close collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), United States of America. About 100 participants from various government agencies, government link companies (GLC) and private universities, telecommunication companies and private companies across the various industries are expected to attend this seminar.

Group Photo of some of the participants There were about seven (7) expert speakers from ECHONET Consortium Japan, Telekom Malaysia, MYREN, Redtone IOT Sdn Bhd and IPv6 Forum Malaysia spoke on various topics related to IPv6 and IOT during the seminar. Several postgraduates student will be delivering their research talk in relation to IPv6 and IOT during this seminar. IPv6 Forum Malaysia is the key organiser of this seminar. IPv6 Forum Malaysia is the local chapter of Global IPv6 Forum dedicated to the advancement and propagation of IPv6 in Malaysia. Their mission is to provide technical leadership and innovative thought for the successful integration of IPv6 into all facets of networking and telecommunications infrastructure present and future. Their key activities are to manage and promote IPv6 Education Logo Programmes and IPv6 standards in Malaysia. They also involve in promoting awareness of IPv6 Technology, organise workshop and conference; and participate in industrial dialogue, in international conference and meeting. Furthermore during the seminar NLTVC Education Sdn Bhd and Adasta Network Sdn Bhd has signed the renewal agreement that involves providing Certified IPv6 training from Global IPv6 Forum’s IPv6 Education Certification Logo Program in Malaysia. Adasta Network will continue to be the Authorised Training Platform (ATP) for Malaysia.

Signing Ceremony between NLTVC Education Sdn Bhd and Adasta Network Sdn Bhd Front Row, From Left: Mr Navaneethan C. Arjuman, Managing Director, NLTVC Education Sdn Bhd and Ms Bhaawaani Visunathan, Managing Director, Adasta Network Sdn Bhd. Back Row, From Left : Dr Jaggarao Simancha, President and CEO, ASC Agenda Suria Communication Sdn Bhd, En Kamal Hisham Kamaruddin, Head of MYREN Department, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), Professor Dr. Sureswaran Ramadass, Emeritus Chair, Global IPv6 Forum’s IPv6 Education Certification Program, Professor Dr Sellapan, Provost Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST), En Md Sakri Mat Rifin, General Manager Network Architecture & Technology Planning, NAT, IT & Network Technology,Telekom Malaysia Bhd. To learn more about the event please visit our official event site at: https://ipv6forummalaysia.my